
Screen Name: Red.S.Crotum

Red.S.Crotum has published 44 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Wednesday 6th May 2020

Spoofing since: Saturday 12th August 2017

Location: Iceland

Profile: Abandoned by his parents at birth, Scrotum crawled 3000 meters up the north face of Ben Nevis and was raised by Golden Eagles.

Wanting to spread his wings, and feeling a bit cramped in the nest, at 16 Crotum ran away from home and established a branch of the Branch Davidians in Scunthorpe.

Feeling bored and harrassed by his 18 wives and 42 children, 4 years later, Scrotum emigrated to Afghanistan to set up a rice paddy farm. When this venture failed, due to repeated Taliban raids on his illicit saki still, Crotum emigrated again. This time to Croatia, just in time to enjoy the ethnic cleansing and made his fortune manufacturing edible coffins.

Taking his money and pet hyenas, Crotum emigrated for the third time, to Iceland.

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