Screen Name: Maryellen Hess Cameron
Maryellen Hess Cameron has published 11 items on The Spoof.
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Latest Spoof News Story: Thursday 7th April 2022
Spoofing since: Friday 2nd September 2016
Location: Midwest
Profile: In my real life I read and write about social justice issues. Right now America is not just sliding backward, we are in the middle of a tectonic shift. It is appalling to realize how many people are angry in such a land of plenty.
I have published one novel, "Come and Get Me", a psychological thriller.On the lighter side I am working on a short series spook on Gilligan's Island. I'll be posting it on my web site for free soon.
I am in the midst of writing another thriller and planning a third, which I will write during National Novel Writer's Month (November).
Writing these quickie satire pieces is new for me, and so much fun!
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