Screen Name: The Tooth
The Tooth has published 4 items on The Spoof.
Check out The Tooth's:
Latest Spoof News Story: Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Spoofing since: Tuesday 22nd March 2011
Location: London
Profile: We are a satirical news website that seeks to entertain, enlighten, and amuse. We're opinionated and apathetic at the same time, so try to find humour in the stagnant corpse that current affairs is often perceived to be. We hope to gain an audience that is appreciative of something fresh, intelligent and genuinely witty.
We write about things we want to write about, and people will want to read about too, regardless of the mundanity of the subject. This might mean we don't cover the day's most important story, but we will cover the story that we feel needs a Tooth perspective.
For us and our writers, the goal is to produce articles that provide an insight that the reader wouldn't have thought about beforehand, and at the same time that induces a laugh out loud reaction. For us and our website, the goal is to become the place people go to read the most enjoyable opinion on the week's events.
The Tooth hasn't written anything in a while, so his/her news feed is seriously out of date!
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