Screen Name: dutch

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Latest Spoof News Story: Wednesday 3rd April 2013

Spoofing since: Friday 28th January 2011

Location: Aberystwyth

Stephen my middle son is 19 and is a student at Bristol University and is studying History. He has a lovely Chinese girl friend whom I am hoping to meet at Easter.

I was brought up on the Isle of Wight and my parents Pam and Derek and my brother in law Anthony live in Ryde.

My husband's brother has emigrated to the USA and works for Micron in Boise, Idaho. We have visited Idaho twice and it is beautiful.

My hobbies are reading crime and psychological fiction. I love reading Barbara Vine and P D James. I enjoy writing fiction. It would be great to be able to write factually but I find it incredibly difficult. Have really enjoyed writing for The Spoof.

Have recently had a Gastric Band operation and I still need to lose some weight. I work part time as a Betterware Distributor but don't know for how long I will continue. Am unable to get a 'proper' job; don't know whether to go for a Careers Interview. I can't drive so am incredibly limited.

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