Screen Name: kslaught
kslaught has published 35 items on The Spoof.
Check out kslaught's:
Latest Spoof News Story: Saturday 4th December 2010
Spoofing since: Monday 13th September 2010
Location: Grafton, MA
Profile: Almost all of my work experience has been in the field of computers - in particular, with Oracle Databases. So I have no real experience writing. This is good, because I do not bring any preconceptions to my work. My thinking is always fresh and new.
With the exception of one haiku, which I published fifteen years ago, I have not published anything. If that is an issue for you, that's fine. Personally, I try to be open minded, but being open minded is not for everybody.
As for my humor, I have found that, the more intelligent a person is, the more he or she appreciates the subtleties of my work. Please keep that in mind as you are commenting on my articles. Nobody wants to look ignorant. I know I wouldn't.
In all seriousness, Welcome to my little home in the Spoof community. I am glad to be here.
kslaught hasn't written anything in a while, so his/her news feed is seriously out of date!
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