Screen Name: Frank Cotolo

Frank Cotolo has published 174 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Friday 15th August 2014

Spoofing since: Thursday 27th May 2004


Location: Grantville, PA

Profile: Frank Cotolo can be heard Thursday nights, 9 p.m. EST at when he broadcasts his talk show, COTOLO CHRONICLES, now also a popular podcast available at iTunes.

Cotolo's first assignment was tracking gun-runners in Tunisia, an adventure that led to his first marriage and a part-time job as editor of the Casablanca Daily News-Journal-Courier.

After a decade as Spain's Minister of Incorrect Word Use, Cotolo returned to his native language of English and wrote three books, all of them bound and offered for sale in one British bookstore.

After a few years in England, Cotolo divorced and married again, this time while having his wisdom teeth removed. By this time Hollywood was calling and Cotolo went stateside to take a hand at writing screenplays.

After a few years in Hollywood, Cotolo managed only two screenplays, one of which involved no characters and was a minor success among bi-polar patients at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Then, Cotolo made his way to the hills of Pennsylvania for a hiatus from writing. He became a heart specialist for mountain bears and eventually began writing again.

He contributes to The Spoof with no malice and some of the best use of the English language the Internet has to offer.

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