Q) What"green" film do you get by crossing A Charlton Heston sci-fi film, and a film with a killer dressed as Santa Claus?
A)"Soylent Night, Deadly Night!"
Q) What movie is about creature rotary tools, that multiply if you get water on them, or feed them after midnight?
A) "Dremelins!"
Q) What film is about a serial killer, reincarnated as a snowman that has emotional distress about everything?
A) "Jack Fraughts!"
Q) What film is about a murderer dressed as Santa Claus, who likes Bo Diddley music?
A) "Silent Night, Diddley Night!"
Q) In what movie did a demon's son serving 1000 years as Santa, finally have his gambling debt"wiped clean"?
A) Santa's"Slate"!