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Forum Home / News Discussion / Brexit Class War 101

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Posted: 20 Jun 22 23:31

Extract from Story:
The British are one of the most class-conscious countries in the world. It was why Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto in London, England. They thought the Brits would be the first nation to embrace this “new” communism. (Which has been around since the dawn of man – as soon as one caveman says he’s king or, better yet, he speaks to God, and thus, a priest, then he bec…...

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Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.


Location: Out on a limb
Registered: 5 Sep 08

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Posted: 20 Jun 22 23:42
Speaking as a Mancunian I was shocked livid by this story's opening sentence. Marx and Engels penned The Communist Manifesto in Manchester. England. I'm fucking OUTRAGED!

In fact I'm SO FUCKING OUTRAGED by this so called satirical endeavour that I shall PM the illustrious proprietor of this once great website and demand - I SAY DEMAND - that the author be battered to death by a squadron of black pudding wielding psychopaths and his remains fed to the whippets.

It's got fuck all to do with Brexit, or anything else for that matter.

I'm all for the Second Amendment and the NRA.

Some people deserve fucking shooting.



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