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Forum Home / News Discussion / I sexually harassed myself in the workplace says quarantined home-worker

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Posted: 19 Feb 22 16:59

Extract from Story:
A 47-year-old man from Whitechapel in East London has told a local newspaper that he made lewd remarks and carried out a number of unwanted sexual advances towards himself while working from home under lockdown Toby Dell, a graphics designer from Leman Street told The East London Gazette: “The first time it happened was when I tried to commit an inappropriate act with myself just two days after…...

Click here for full story »

Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.

Ryan McPherson

Location: Texas, USA
Registered: 9 Nov 21

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Posted: 19 Feb 22 17:00
That is a great satire piece. Well done.

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
Registered: 29 Nov 11

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Posted: 21 Feb 22 02:02

Quote: Ryan McPherson

That is a great satire piece. Well done.

Cheers Ryan.

I've been practising

Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero

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Posted: 23 Feb 22 01:46
There are two remedies for self-sexual harassment. Both have been certified by various government agencies:

1: Scotch tape your hands to your sheets at night. If the seal is broken, you will know that you have harassed yourself.

2: Crazy glue your nuts to the bed frame. This will prevent you from pole-vaulting out of bed and hurting yourself.

Respectfully yours,

Dr. B

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 23 Feb 22 04:30

Quote: Dr. Billingsgate

There are two remedies for self-sexual harassment. Both have been certified by various government agencies:

1: Scotch tape your hands to your sheets at night. If the seal is broken, you will know that you have harassed yourself.

2: Crazy glue your nuts to the bed frame. This will prevent you from pole-vaulting out of bed and hurting yourself.

Respectfully yours,

Dr. B

Once again, your wisdom belies your tender years Doc.


Dewani Unhatched
Dewani Unhatched

Location: Fort Lauderdale
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Posted: 24 Feb 22 20:55
A good one again from Clive. Thank goodness we have this to read and not the churned-out' dross for points' that so often clogs up the site.

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
Registered: 29 Nov 11

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Posted: 25 Feb 22 04:07

Quote: Dewani Unhatched

A good one again from Clive. Thank goodness we have this to read and not the churned-out' dross for points' that so often clogs up the site.

Thanks mate.

It's my contention that some people must churn out copy like sausages from a hand-cranked machine, morning, noon and night.

It's enough to make you adopt a vegan lifestyle, mate

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