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Forum Home / News Discussion / Questions raised as to when Shakin' Stevens biggest song can be played in the shops

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Posted: 10 Nov 21 11:33

Extract from Story:
Christmas is usually a time for remembering a great Aunt with a Christmas Card, why your parents watched the Good Life in the seventies, and for remembering Shakin' Stevens, and his ever-green festive song Merry Christmas Everyone. This year, the last of these three issues has risen its head, with shops playing the catchy little ditty in November. However, plans to start playing Chris Rea's hit…...

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Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
Registered: 8 Apr 03

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Posted: 10 Nov 21 11:34

Posted: 11 Nov 21 08:50
If old MW would have spotted the slight glitch on the image quote, he wouldn't have thought so....

Quote: Mark


Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 16 Nov 21 14:39

Quote: Jaggedone

If old MW would have spotted the slight glitch on the image quote, he wouldn't have thought so....

Quote: Mark


Whatever happened to old MW btw? He used to be all over this place like a cheap suit.

Another one that's flounced off into the sunset no doubt.

No fortitude some people. Tsk

Posted: 16 Nov 21 16:45
Sadly, he passed away, Mark believes it was Covid19 that got him. I guess we must show our respect, I will.

Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
Registered: 8 Apr 03

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Posted: 16 Nov 21 20:52
It's very inconvenient. The callous bastard.

Caption corrected now.

Wasn't sure if it was the typo or the incorrect lyric which riled you more JO.

Wasn't sure if the incorrect lyric was for comedic effect.

Either way, I pissed on both those chips.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 17 Nov 21 01:59

Quote: Jaggedone

Sadly, he passed away, Mark believes it was Covid19 that got him. I guess we must show our respect, I will.

Dead you say?

Has foul play been ruled out do you know?

Only, he wasn't the nicest bloke I've ever come across.

Maybe he became overly free with the blue pencil and edited the wrong bloke's copy.

Food for thought anyway.

Posted: 17 Nov 21 09:10
Dear Mark, when you sporadically appear here out of your Lancashire plughole, there is always feverish excitement among your writers that, maybe, just maybe, things might get published.

No, dear Mark, I was not riled, or upset, on the contrary, your word GENIUS, rather awoke my big toe, it poked out of a hole in my knitted sock and guided me too this genial piece of Xmas X-cstasy.

I just spotted the glitch with no evil intent, and thought it would be prudent to tell the world even GENIUS's make mistakes, a thing our MW (RIP) just would not swallow. Obviously you did! Bravo!

Now please return into your plughole, do not bang your head, and leave the rest of us in utter anxiety as to when our lesser GENIUS work achieves publication on this prestigious project of yours!

Ta Ta, for now.

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