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Forum Home / News Discussion / Trump Nosed Out By “Hair Sniffing Prevert”

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Posted: 13 Nov 20 19:53

Extract from Story:
BILLINGSGATE POST: What a way to lose an election - being nosed out by a hair-sniffing prevert. White House insiders, who wish to remain anonymous, claim that the President is having a difficult time adjusting to losing his White House digs to a man who, he claims, is unfit to be president, due to his penchant for sticking his proboscis into the hairdos of unsuspecting females. “Even in my…...

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Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.

Aspartame Boy
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Posted: 13 Nov 20 19:53
Yeah! Real men grab them by the pussy!

Dr. Billingsgate
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Posted: 13 Nov 20 21:50

Quote: Aspartame Boy

Yeah! Real men grab them by the pussy!

Since you are bald headed and male, you have nothing to worry about.

Posted: 15 Nov 20 14:49
Our dear perfectionist editor obviously missed this one: Prevert, maybe it should have been; pervert?

Or was it one of his infamous "unedited" editions? Oh, god no! Only JO's are put to shame because MW does a Pontius Pilatus before allowing his bullshit to be published...

Never mind, as long as our shit is out there, who gives a damn, I don't!

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 15 Nov 20 15:55

Quote: Jaggedone

Our dear perfectionist editor obviously missed this one: Prevert, maybe it should have been; pervert?

No, JO, it should have been 'prevert', as it was. I think it's an American thing. It's meant to be a misspelling. Have you seen the way some people say 'nukular' instead of 'nuclear'?

It's a shame to see you shoving your big head up above the top of the trench, JO, only to see it getting machine-gunned, once again.

Quote: Jaggedone

Or was it one of his infamous "unedited" editions?

No, I reserve those for you. Everyone else's are relatively easy to deal with, as they are written in clear, concise English.

It's strange, JO. In your PM, you said you didn't want a 'war of words', but then you come on here and do this.

Posted: 15 Nov 20 17:46
no war of words, and I just googled 'prevert' and there really is no such word, just US GUTTER SLANG!

As for your dig about CONCISE, well I never make a spelling mistake, my grammar is 95% correct, I use a spell-correct! MW, you are totally PANTS IMHO,,,

Again, you just cannot take any form of CONCISE criticism made in jest, can you....

SAD mate, very Sad....

Dr. Billingsgate
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Posted: 15 Nov 20 21:46

Quote: Jaggedone

no war of words, and I just googled 'prevert' and there really is no such word, just US GUTTER SLANG!

As for your dig about CONCISE, well I never make a spelling mistake, my grammar is 95% correct, I use a spell-correct! MW, you are totally PANTS IMHO,,,

Again, you just cannot take any form of CONCISE criticism made in jest, can you....

SAD mate, very Sad....

Sorry, Jaggedone. You’re blowing smoke outa your ass.

I use prevert instead of pervert all the time. Why? Because where I come from, a prevert is worse than a pervert. And I use it for emphasis.

In the future, if I should ever use prevert in a Spoof story, I will use an asterisk with an explanation provided so the reader will not have to wonder if it were a typo.

Now, be a good boy and apologize to MW.


Posted: 15 Nov 20 22:57
Never, I'm a Brit, and US slang, which nobody understands, or doesn't appear anywhere apart from maybe, in desolate alleyways in your nation, is something no other cunt can understand here.

Dear Doc, reach your audience with such oblivious words as much as you want, I really do not give a fuck! Good luck, JO!

Monkey Woods
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Posted: 16 Nov 20 00:37 - Edited By: Monkey Woods, 16 Nov 20 12:08

Quote: Jaggedone

Never, I'm a Brit, and US slang, which nobody understands, or doesn't appear anywhere apart from maybe, in desolate alleyways in your nation, is something no other cunt can understand here.

Strange, then, that I understood it, Aspartame Boy understood it, and none of the other people who have read it had any bother at all understanding it.

Just you, JO.

Quote: Jaggedone

no war of words, and I just googled 'prevert' and there really is no such word, just US GUTTER SLANG!

It's a pity you made your initial comment about prevert/pervert then, isn't it, JO. Had you googled it earlier, there would have been no need for your comment about "our perfectionist editor", would there?

Understanding Dr. Billingsgate's use of the word 'prevert' as you now do, as well as realising your mistake, why don't you apologise?

Quote: Jaggedone

As for your dig about CONCISE, well I never make a spelling mistake, my grammar is 95% correct, I use a spell-correct!

Really? They're useful, but not infallible. For example, your confusion over the words pallets/palates the other day. I don't believe your spell-correct facility understands context, does it? If it does, we'd have to blame YOU for those errors.

And what has CONCISE got to do with your spelling or grammar?

Quote: Jaggedone

MW, you are totally PANTS IMHO,,,

PANTS? I try to take a jumbled mess of words, loosely hung around some central idea you've had, and for which you've used your 'alternative' grammar book, one which, presumably, advises that every paragraph - if not every sentence should end in an exclamation mark.

Is that what you mean by 'PANTS'?

Quote: Jaggedone

Again, you just cannot take any form of CONCISE criticism made in jest

Jest? Is that what you call 'jest'?

The thread concerns a story by Dr. Billingsgate. Discuss its merits, if you like. Don't use this 'public space' to air your petty grievances and criticism of the editor. If you have anything constructive to say, send me a message.

Dr. Billingsgate
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Posted: 16 Nov 20 02:00
To Whom It May Concern: I have been using “prevert” instead of “pervert” for almost 55 years. I believe it was Navy jargon that I picked up while I served as an Navy officer during the Vietnam War.

Of possible interest to undocumented preverts everywhere, is the term “Air Start.” Jaggedone might not find this listed in any British reference book, either. But US Navy aviators based on carriers used this word to describe what most people would delicately call a “Blow Job.”

The etymology of this term: When an aircraft is accelerated for takeoff on a carrier, it is given a supercharged blast of steam that propels it forward at high speed. It was called an Air Start. Somehow, the word was transformed to describe the intimate sexual interaction that most people of decent linage call a blow job.

Jaggedone, I hope this satisfies your prurient interests.

Dr. B


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Posted: 16 Nov 20 02:11
Comparing Biden’s “preversion” to Trump’s is what pundits call an incredibly false equivalency.

But the word “prevert” is commonly used, even if it’s not a word. A feather in Moy’s English cap. As a North American, I’m still not sure what it means when you guys call each other a ”blok”.

Dr. Billingsgate
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Posted: 16 Nov 20 02:58
You can’t possibly equate Biden’s penchant for sniffing hair with any common sexual activity between consenting adults. Perhaps if he sniffed girl’s bicycle seats, you might have a case.

Monkey Woods
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Posted: 16 Nov 20 04:15

Quote: Thelonius

But the word “prevert” is commonly used, even if it’s not a word.

As a North American, I’m still not sure what it means when you guys call each other a ”blok”.

Yes, I felt certain I'd heard it before. Maybe it was even Clint Eastwood that said it. Obviously, we can't expect everybody to have heard it - some people walk around with their heads inserted into their own arseholes most of the time!

A 'bloke' is just another word for a man.

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