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Forum Home / News Discussion / German Jew Scolded for Refusing to Wear Piece of Cloth
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Please discuss at will. PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website. |
sean hodgson
Writer Location: Faringdon England Registered: 1 Jul 20 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
At the top of this discussion form is the line:
'The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS' What part of this article is a 'Joke' or is 'Spoof News'. It reads more like a serious article. |
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Well, I'm not the author, of course, but I sensed a certain amount of irony in the story when I read it.
As I've said before, 'funny' is good, but it doesn't have to be the sort of thing that has everybody rolling in the aisles. Is it not funny that Iscarwitz couldn't see Judenstein's fears, and railed against them, knowing, as we do, the terrible ending? Plus, it was well written, and needed no changes making. On both accounts, a novelty. |
sean hodgson
Writer Location: Faringdon England Registered: 1 Jul 20 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Yes perhaps your right. After I sent this I later thought better of it.
Sir Geoffroy Cockface
Writer Registered: 29 Aug 15 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
You were right. The story is rubbish.
It's obviously about face masks, but it's a bit fucked up to compare wearing a face mask with wearing a star of David in Nazi Germany. Apart from the laziness of the comparison, it couldn't be more wrong, and it doesn't even have a hint of irony or humour. Attacking government is a staple of satire, but attacking public health advice is just...weird. What next, comparing washing your hands with genocide? I mean, in a way it's good that we have a wide range of nutters on this site, but these conspiracy theorists are really crazy. |
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
A risky subject, I know, but I took the fact that Iscarwitz was being so blasé about the reasons for wearing the star, as being somewhat ironic, knowing what we now know about the next steps in that process. Not funny, I agree, but so much of the stuff on here, at the moment, Geoff, is not only 'not funny', but appears to have been written by 12-year-olds. |
Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero Location: Galapagos Islands Registered: 22 Feb 10 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Would this be published in THE ONION? I think not. Maybe that is why they pay their writers, while The Spoof does not.
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
What's interesting, is that this writer has written other stories of a 'more serious' nature, and not at all funny, in my opinion. It's possible, I suppose, that the writer thinks this is an appropriate place for those more serious stories, when, in reality, it turns out that, at the moment, you're not going to get on if you don't submit stories with endless references to President Trump, how many Big Macs he eats, how orange he is, how small his pecker is, and how much Melania wants to get back to Trump Tower. Oh, don't let me forget sexy bikini swimsuits, secret tattoos, and Daisy Duke short shorts. |
sean hodgson
Writer Location: Faringdon England Registered: 1 Jul 20 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
If I ever submit a piece about Trump wearing his Daisy Duke shorts over his Bikini then throw me off the site... no hang on perhaps...
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
You'll have to hurry, Sean. Somebody's probably already writing it.
If you really want to get your teeth into something that's not funny, Geoff, try this one: Boko Haram release their version of Procul Harem's 'Whiter Shade of Pale' in support of BLM! I wanted to put it in the forum for discussion, but am unable to do so, for a reason I haven't been able to discover. It contains the rearranged lyrics of a song: We whipped white boys' bums fandango Turned cartwheels at the door We were feeling kinda seasick But our Boko boys called out for more So we went back even 'harder' And beheaded them on the way When we called out for another drink A head appeared on a tray Is this an example of a comic genius, or somebody in the category Geoff mentions below?
Sir Geoffroy Cockface
Writer Registered: 29 Aug 15 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
I'd say that's funny. I mean, I didn't laugh, but it's daft enough. |
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Funny in what way? Do you mean the kind of 'funny' we use to express our surprise about something? "That's funny - I'm sure I picked my keys up from the table." Or the 'funny' we use to suggest we don't relieve believe something we've been told? "He said he's with his mates? That sounds a bit funny." Or the kind of 'funny' we use to imply somebody is a little bit odd? "Yeah, I know! He's a bit 'funny' in the head!" Or do you mean the kind of 'funny' we use when we find something humorous? "Dave Henry's stories - they're really funny!" If it's the last one, I need some help in understanding. |
Banned |
Now where is the bastard?
Little Red Hen ![]() Location: Lancaster, England Registered: 8 Apr 03 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
But it doesn't do this. IMHO, it falls short of the mark. It feels rushed and underdeveloped. It doesn't go far enough to deride the barbarism, and, in so doing, promotes it. Also, there is no need to invoke BLM in the article, it just jars. You've smushed two ideas into one: one attempting to mock terrorism, the other presenting a delusory hysteria purporting to people taking offence from the use of the words black and white outside of a racial context. Must try harder ![]() |
Banned |
Mark, on which planet do you actually live on??? Your answer is just so full of crap it's beyond comprehension...But I guess that's the standards you love; Trump, Harry Maguire, etc, etc.
Yes indeed, I am a massive thorn in MW's and your crown of thorns, hence you have the audacity to default my work; well mate, I could tell you to fuck off, maybe I should, but I am not going to be defeated by the likes of you and your cohort... So, Sir Galahad of the spoof scene, ban me, get rid of the thorn that dares to piss up MW's and your rather pathetic tree...However, I love a good old fashioned literary punch up! BTW, your sad subjective opinion of my last spoof stinks, but I'm used to that treatment here... |
Banned |
A load of bollocks! But what's new?
Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape ![]() Location: Planet Earth Registered: 29 Dec 06 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Did someone say "literary punch-up"?
There's no secret. I thought it wasn't funny because it wasn't funny.
Yes, it's interesting that you think you have to keep dropping references to Mark and myself into your stories. There's so much to write about. Why don't you stop writing about us? Still, whatever it was, it wasn't
Your story struck me as an example of one that wasn't funny, and I was involved in a mini-discussion with Sean and Geoff about another story that Geoff said contained no humour. I wanted to show him a story that, I thought, really didn't contain any humour.
Ah, I knew it! I was sure there was something I was missing; some deeper point; some message; some awareness-making, and that it wasn't just changing the words of a Procul Harum (Harem, I think you said) song, to include the imagery of a beheading. I should have known. Sorry..
Anybody want a waffle?
We talked about this already. Don't you remember? I said that another writer complained to me about how many Harry Maguire stories I'd done. His name is Abel Rodriguez. I think you two are friends. There was a touch of irony about the whole episode, because he writes a lot of stories about President Trump, and, I thought, many more than I wrote about Harry. I looked at his last 100 stories, and counted how many of them were about Trump, and I looked at my last 100, and counted Harry stories. Thirteen (13) of my stories were about Harry; forty-six (46) of his were about Trump. There were others about Melania, Eric, and White House insiders and so on, but I thought I'd be lenient, and just count the ones tbat specifically had President Trump in the headline. I honestly hope that I don't have to bang on about this again, but, if I do, I suppose there's always 'copy and paste'.
If you're referring to the number of points I have, I would hazard a guess that it is the number of stories that I have written, rather than their literary quality, or lack thereof. The same thing applies to anyone who constantly scores highly. Just ask your friend..
There should be a full stop after the word 'here', then an upper case 'M'. They left because of my 'important' position? And it's a fact? Name them. Before you do, define 'many'. Then define 'fact' They 'hate' me? Listen, Les - is it OK to call you Les? - they don't know me. They only think they do, because of my comments in the forum. You mean to say, they hate the responses they get when I try to adhere to the site's rules? Or because I have to reject a story for some reason? Or, perhaps, because their stories, when submitted, appear as if a 5-year-old, whose first language isn't English, has typed them out in a darkened room, and I've asked them to have another look before I edit it. Maybe they needed thicker skin. Name them anyway. I'm curious.
Like yourself? Ask him. What's the worst he could say? No, wait. Don't.
Maquire? Who's he? Maguire? JO, I welcomed you back. What's in the past, is in the past, as far as I'm concerned. But it seems that you want to carry on in the same way that ended up with you taking a break. First, you started a thread asking how to download your "legal property", and were already on the offensive. You started the tbread with:
We knew, then, you were on your way. Eventually, you got your contact with Mark, but, instead of trying to be calm, you filled up another thread with remembrances of 'how great it used to be' with "a plethora of great Brit writers" whose names you couldn't recall. You even found time to drag ME into it, calling me Mark's "cohort", without me even having appeared in the thread. I think we sensed then, that things weren't right. Then you came back, and, before your feet are under the table, you're attacking K.C. Bell for her stories which were too much like real news, and the links to her other material at the foot of her articles. As well as lambasting US writers for their endless Trump stories, little realising that your friend, Abel, is, by far, the most prolific writer of Trump stories. Maybe you should let him know how you feel... But, getting back to K.C. Bell, the reason her articles use real events, is that she adds her own comments to them. They aren't news stories, they're magazine articles of political commentary, and that's why most - not all - of them go in the Magazine. And the links? Well, that was easily explained, wasn't it? No need for all those nasty words and phrases that you used:
You also told Dr. Billingsgate: "I despise people abusing their rights here..." Oh, dear, JO! What a catalogue, a pile, a shedload, an avalanche of errors! And all because hou couldn't wait to find out the truth! I asked you to be patient, but you seem to enjoy being a 'victim', and went steamrollering on with your insults, of which K.C. Bell seems to have remained oblivious. Fortunately. |
Banned |
Bla. bla, bla
Banned |
My sincere apologies to KC Bell, but don't blame me, blame our glorious leader for not coming out immediately, calming the storm, and telling everybody why KC was allowed to punch his/her Amazon links out there.
This would never have happened if Mark had reacted adequately. Once again; my apologies and success with your work. JO |
Little Red Hen ![]() Location: Lancaster, England Registered: 8 Apr 03 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
It is right you should apologise for the "storm" you whipped up. You are wholly to blame for trying to cause a fuss, as you like to do. Which is fine when it's just me, but not when you're trying to embarrass someone else. If that hadn't been your intention, you would have sent me a private message and I could have explained to you directly, or looked into the matter and dealt with it appropriately.
I think my reaction was more than adequate, and more than was warranted, but I figured it best to allay any concerns by posting a response. If you meant adequate to mean "in a timely manner", then, yes, I accept, if I had the opportunity to respond to this any sooner, I would have. |
Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero Location: Galapagos Islands Registered: 22 Feb 10 Forum Profile Writer's Profile |
Attempting to sanction Jaggedone is like telling Marmaduke to stop licking his balls.
Banned |
A compliment at last! LMFBO..Cheers Doc, love, health, and peace to you (seriously meant BTW, I would never dare to use sarcasm here again)..
Any opinions expressed here are purely the opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of The Spoof, its staff or the original writer of the spoof news/parody/satire story.
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