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Forum Home / News Discussion / More Tits, Ass and Beaver shots on TV this Season

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Posted: 10 Jul 20 02:37

Extract from Story:
Viewers are in for a wild ride this 2008 season following the announcement by National Geographic television that they are to show more flora and fauna in excessive detail than ever before...

Click here for full story »

Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 10 Jul 20 02:52
So obvious, yet so good.


If anybody knows Budda's whereabouts...


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Posted: 10 Jul 20 04:53
Yes. A great pleasure to read.

I’m curious about the circumstances under which he left.

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 10 Jul 20 05:21

Quote: Thelonius

Yes. A great pleasure to read.

I’m curious about the circumstances under which he left.

I can't remember. His last story was in March 2011. It's around the time that I wasn't here very much, so that time is all a bit 'foggy' for me.

I know you lot can't access his stories, but I can promise you, if I want to read something funny from the past, I go to his stuff. He wrote 427 stories. All crazily funny.

In my opinion, only he and Duncan were - are? - truly, reliably funny.

I really wish JB would come back.

Posted: 10 Jul 20 14:06
Solidarity, JB was excellent, no doubt, but sorry MW, there were so many brilliant writers around at the time and your subjective opinion is fine, but please never underestimate some of the superb talent that once graced this site....Skoob, RG, The Colonel, EQ, QM, plus many others...

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 10 Jul 20 15:53
I only spoke favourably of Budda, JO, because it was his story that popped up. But you are right - there are many others who are worth remembering.

On that note, if people don't do this already, try hitting that 'Random Story' button when you have a bit of spare time. There are some real treats back there in the dust.

Posted: 10 Jul 20 17:09
Well MW, slight correction, you also mentioned Dunc, who of course was excellent and I still have contact with him on FB. The only reason I popped in was because JB is cult here and it is a shame many others do not come back and raise this place once again to its superior, funny, satirical, provocative and, brilliant heights, that it was once...Have a nice Weekend and lest I forget, Abel, who is still among us..A true ace spoofer, even though he's over there...LMBO!

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 10 Jul 20 17:46 - Edited By: Monkey Woods, 10 Jul 20 18:00
No, I didn't mean that, JO.

I said that:

"I only spoke favourably of JB because it was his story..."

By that, I meant 'the only reason I spoke about JB was because it was his story'.

I didn't mean that I'd only spoken about JB, because I knew very well that I'd also mentioned DW.

Not really a correction.

By the way, JO, I'm not exactly in agreement with you about your comment about Abel Rodriguez. Could you tell me what it is about his stuff that you admire?


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Posted: 11 Jul 20 06:02
Duncan writes brilliantly. Abel writes a lot.

Posted: 13 Jul 20 10:21
It's all a matter of taste dear MW. I recently laughed my nuts off reading one of Abel's superbly funny efforts. OK, like all of us, he writes some lesser spoofs too.However, generally speaking, and I know you two can't smell each other's rear ends without a gnarl or 6, he is excellent.

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 13 Jul 20 11:11

Quote: Jaggedone

I know you two can't smell each other's rear ends without a gnarl or 6,

And you know this, how?

Posted: 13 Jul 20 14:15
Heard it through the grapevine mate..No fake news here.

Quote: Monkey Woods

Quote: Jaggedone

I know you two can't smell each other's rear ends without a gnarl or 6,

And you know this, how?

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 13 Jul 20 15:20
Yes, that's what I thought.

It's good to know the PM system is working well and being used to form and maintain good, steady, meaningful friendships.

Posted: 13 Jul 20 18:37
MW, there are other methods than PM's. BTW, Abel, still has a healthy respect for all good writers here. He has no intention, me neither, in entering any form of attacks on others here, including you. We had enough of that bullshit...So, please do not read to deeply into anything. There are many things I dislike about your comments, vice versa too. The most important thing is we attempt to entertain those who visit the site, make them smile, think, and enjoy our work...All the best, JO

Quote: Monkey Woods

Yes, that's what I thought.

It's good to know the PM system is working well and being used to form and maintain good, steady, meaningful friendships.

Any opinions expressed here are purely the opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of The Spoof, its staff or the original writer of the spoof news/parody/satire story.

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