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Forum Home / News Discussion / Spoof Readers Becoming Tired With The Spoof?

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Posted: 28 Jun 20 06:39

Extract from Story:
Figures just in have shown that interest in a satirical news website is waning at an alarming rate., a site which allows anyone and everyone the freedom to submit half-baked and ill-thought-out nonsense without even the most basic standards with regard to quality, has, since 2001, been one of the leaders in satire and parody, but - if reader statistics are anything to go by - this.....

Click here for full story »

Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.


Location: North Kakalakee, USA
Registered: 9 Jul 09

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Posted: 28 Jun 20 06:43
Maybe ... "as a great man once said":

"We need More Cowbell."
(but that was back when Saturday Night Live had talent on the show)

Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape
Monkey Woods

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Posted: 28 Jun 20 07:05
What's 'cowbell'?

Posted: 28 Jun 20 11:27
just gave it 5 big uns! Brilliant stuff MW, congrats. BTW, it you are last to leave please remove the light bulb and hand it to Mark because moths love old Lancashire cloth..


Location: North Kakalakee, USA
Registered: 9 Jul 09

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Posted: 28 Jun 20 13:39

Quote: Monkey Woods

What's 'cowbell'?
It's a reference to the song "Don't Fear the Reaper" from Blue Oyster Cult.

In a particular SNL skit, Christopher Walken plays the "big time" record producer for Blue Oyster Cult.... His "brilliant" idea to put the band's songs at the top of the charts? ... "it needs more cowbell."

Dr. Billingsgate
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Posted: 29 Jun 20 02:10
I blame the fall-off of my readership on Monkey Woods. Although he claims that there is no algorithm which places stories based on the ethnicity of the writer, I believe he thinks I’m white. So all of my stories get buried in the Magazine section, which is the literary equivalent of being sent to the Gulags of Siberia.

Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
Registered: 8 Apr 03

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Posted: 29 Jun 20 15:28
I appreciate you're making a joke Dr B, but your assertion is dead wrong.

All news articles must mimic the journalistic style of the types of articles one may find in a newspaper. This excludes items such as editorials (opinions), letters, reviews, etc.

News stories which read as chatty/informal should, more often than not, be submitted to the magazine section. Similarly, news stories written in the style of a spoken news report belong in the magazine section.

That is the only guidance which MW is following.

The myth that the magazine section performs less well than any other section is untrue. The top performing article this month (of all articles published this month) is Hydroxychloroqen: A Memory Supplement? by Matt Birkenhauer.

Any opinions expressed here are purely the opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of The Spoof, its staff or the original writer of the spoof news/parody/satire story.

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