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Forum Home / News Discussion / Revenge Of Jacques De Molay As Notre Dame Is Toast

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Posted: 17 Apr 19 03:04

Extract from Story:
Paris, France - (Sacre Bleu Mess): France is reeling from the sudden, tragic torching of one of its greatest national treasures after the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral was razed to the ground. The magnificent 800-year old edifice, which burst into flames during a major refurbishment, stands on the banks of Paris’ River Seine opposite the very spot where, in March 1314, the Knights Templar Gran.....

Click here for full story »

Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.


Registered: 23 Nov 18

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Posted: 17 Apr 19 03:11 - Edited By: Dracula, 17 Apr 19 03:15
This is a good story it makes for a good movie. The fantom of Notre Dame an ex-Catholic Priest forced to be celibate in life and burned at the stake returns to blaze the symbol of his cursed life.

Posted: 17 Apr 19 07:13
I find any particular 'jokes' related to this tragic event should not appear here, and again I blame our editor for being ambiguous, non-decisive, plus inept.

Spoofers over the years have always avoided spoofing about death or tragedy, and the writer of this, and other spoofs, pertaining to the tragic events in Paris are scavenging like hungry hyenas hoping to get a hit...UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape
Monkey Woods

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Posted: 17 Apr 19 07:44

Quote: Jaggedone

I find any particular 'jokes' related to this tragic event should not appear here, and again I blame our editor for being ambiguous, non-decisive, plus inept.

That would be me, then. I don't know, I didn't see much wrong with it, and I've not heard any reports of deaths. So far...

In fact, I thought it was a rather informative piece, JO, and not the usual kind of minor rehashing of current events that we've become familiar with.


Spoofers over the years have always avoided spoofing about death or tragedy, and the writer of this, and other spoofs, pertaining to the tragic events in Paris are scavenging like hungry hyenas hoping to get a hit...UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Not strictly true. Lots of people have taken advantage of current events, regardless of the consequences. What happened here? A building burnt down.

A nice building, yes, but a building.

Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
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Posted: 17 Apr 19 11:25
Not that their efforts have in any way been slighted, but let's not forget the brave people who took risks to save this monument, for no more reward than the job they do every day. I hope they are awarded something for their actions.

While I'm on the subject, what I don't understand is - why is there a need for donations to rebuild the thing?

Does the Catholic Church not believe in insurance? If the roof burned off my house, I'd be on the blower to Churchill and ask, "My roof's burned off, can you fix it?" - "Ooooohh yesssss," he'd reply.

And a year later, with a good wind and a lot of head-banging against a brick wall, I might have a fixed roof.

Maybe it's a different story with historical monuments.

The other question is why the Catholic Church, arguably the world's wealthiest religious organisation, can't pay for its own repairs.

Sod your €100m for a roof, L'Oreal, spend it on something that's, to coin a phrase, worth it, and let the church pick up the tab for fixing its own dilapidated buildings.

queen mudder
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queen mudder

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Posted: 17 Apr 19 11:56 - Edited By: queen mudder, 17 Apr 19 11:58
Notre Dame stands on the Ile de la Cite on the River Seine. The French government has repeatedly asked for UNESCO funds to help stop the island from sinking into the river. A 2018 UN symposium was told the island had dropped nearly three feet in depth in the last 100 years resulting in the cathedral’s masonry crumbling.

A number of foreign countries including Qatar offered billion$ in help but later withdrew that aid. Looks like the future could be sink or swim for Monsieur Macron’s ambitions refurb.

Posted: 17 Apr 19 12:31 - Edited By: Jaggedone, 17 Apr 19 12:33
Again MW or Mark, I said "deaths or tragic events!!!!" This was a tragic event and sponging off of such events should not be allowed here!! But then again double-standards for our 'Dynamic Duo' and others here..BULLSHIT!

As for your sly, sarcastic and, quite out of order comment about my 'twisting news stories,' well hypocrisy is obviously way up on your wish list MW...

It is no wonder that writers are fleeing this place like Middle Americans heading towards the US; a no-hoper as long as it is run by those who regard this site as their territory and can fuck about with anything they desire, even tragic events like this one....

Sad, very sad, when we should all be laughing, but not at a burning, iconic building where Fire Fighters were risking their lives attempting to save what they could; but MW, you were always a master joker, and that will never change....


Quote: Monkey Woods

Quote: Jaggedone

I find any particular 'jokes' related to this tragic event should not appear here, and again I blame our editor for being ambiguous, non-decisive, plus inept.

That would be me, then. I don't know, I didn't see much wrong with it, and I've not heard any reports of deaths. So far...

In fact, I thought it was a rather informative piece, JO, and not the usual kind of minor rehashing of current events that we've become familiar with.


Spoofers over the years have always avoided spoofing about death or tragedy, and the writer of this, and other spoofs, pertaining to the tragic events in Paris are scavenging like hungry hyenas hoping to get a hit...UNACCEPTABLE!!!

Not strictly true. Lots of people have taken advantage of current events, regardless of the consequences. What happened here? A building burnt down.

A nice building, yes, but a building.

Posted: 17 Apr 19 12:37
Oh, and while Mark's having a pop at the system, here is what I wrote on Facebook this morning:

We do have some form of solidarity I guess, deep down:

"I believe the destruction of an iconic, historical building causing so much grief and the blanket media coverage is totally 'over the top!' It is very sad, no doubt, but our governments continue to ignore basic needs of the majorities; poverty, starvation, wars, genocide, refugees, environmental destruction, homelessness, etc, etc, etc.

However, in support of this unnecessary outburst of grief, religious hypocrisy, and quite unbelievable willingness to devote millions and millions for rebuilding the place, I believe poking fun, making jokes, writing spoofs, stupid cartoons, etc, etc, is quite out of place and unacceptable re this obvious tragedy for the French population.

I feel nothing for pompous buildings, symbols of historic, religious hypocrisy, but millions do, of course. However, before these people gather to pray and hold religious outbursts because of a BUILDING, MAYBE THEY SHOULD LOOK AROUND THE CORNER AT THE SUBURBS OF PARIS, LONDON, LA, RIO, BANGKOK, HONG KONG, NEW YORK + OTHER MAJOR CITIES, AND PRAY FOR THOSE WHO COULD ONLY DREAM OF VISITING SUCH AN ICONIC BUILDING!


Written by Les Johnson and not JO...He only wastes his precious time here, JO that is...

Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
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Posted: 17 Apr 19 12:41
Get over yourself JO.

Go play outside for a bit, get some fresh air.

Monkey Woods
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Monkey Woods

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Posted: 17 Apr 19 13:03

Quote: Jaggedone

As for your sly, sarcastic and, quite out of order comment about my 'twisting news stories,' well hypocrisy is obviously way up on your wish list MW...

I don't recall naming you, JO, but, if the cap fits...


Sad, very sad, when we should all be laughing, but not at a burning, iconic building where Fire Fighters were risking their lives attempting to save what they could; but MW, you were always a master joker, and that will never change....

I'm not laughing at a burning, iconic building, or firefighters risking their lives. Wherever did you get that impression? I merely said that it was an informative piece. A cursory re-read would show you this.

Here's my comment again, so you can compare it with what you thought I wrote:

Quote: Monkey Woods

In fact, I thought it was a rather informative piece, JO, and not the usual kind of minor rehashing of current events that we've become familiar with.


Posted: 17 Apr 19 18:49
Mark, indeed a very good tip, it certainly STINKS in here!

Quote: Mark

Get over yourself JO.

Go play outside for a bit, get some fresh air.

John Peurach
John Peurach

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Posted: 19 Apr 19 18:46
Greetings queen: Nice to see you're still somewhere or thereabouts out there/in here.

In other words - more or less collectively disguised as, oh yeah, these - as far as the recent inflammatory activity going on at Notre Dame as of late, as always, once again, leave it to the nearest available ever-so reliable Earthly-tested/Cosmically-approved what goes around comes back around rule to eventually strike while it's hot, if not hotter depending, of course, on how one chooses to look both whichever which ways these days (and nights) of right about now (and how).

In still other words, any chance the local greater metro Paris rehab crew responsible for this brand of almost but not quite done job might be up to relocating themselves over here, long enough to perform a well needed torch - I mean, touch - up or two on the (until further notice) federal-wise(guy) residence of president Humpty & his in-house family of (it only takes a village, and then some) idiots?

Just wondering.

If so, please let 'em know that someone - I'm not saying who (or at least have so far been advised by numerous legal professionals not to at this time - but that's another story) - will be sure to leave a light on in the usual one if by land, two if by sea window, of sorts, with any luck before it's too late (again, another story, but, what the hey, by this point in the otherwise ongoing on with the showgram, aren't they all?)

In still other other words, thanks queen for such a wonderful funifull tragic-driven in here story, as always, good luck, take care, have fun, and, oh yeah, till next.

yours true,
john peurach

p.s. have no fear, I'm still more or less here, just more not worthy and a little bit more or all the rest. (In stereo, where available.)


Registered: 23 Nov 18

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Posted: 21 Apr 19 04:18
France is the country of multi-millionares. The government should tax the rich or ask the UN for relief to repair their landscape.

Quote: queen mudder

Notre Dame stands on the Ile de la Cite on the River Seine. The French government has repeatedly asked for UNESCO funds to help stop the island from sinking into the river. A 2018 UN symposium was told the island had dropped nearly three feet in depth in the last 100 years resulting in the cathedral’s masonry crumbling.

A number of foreign countries including Qatar offered billion$ in help but later withdrew that aid. Looks like the future could be sink or swim for Monsieur Macron’s ambitions refurb.

queen mudder
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queen mudder

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Posted: 21 Apr 19 11:05
Waste of dosh, should be concreted over. Entire Seine riverbed unstable.

Any opinions expressed here are purely the opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of The Spoof, its staff or the original writer of the spoof news/parody/satire story.

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