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Forum Home / News Discussion / Burqas Fashion Hit For European Infidels

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Posted: 3 Apr 18 15:12

Extract from Story:
New York London Paris Munich everybody is talking about pop music! And not only pop music because in those European places everybody who is keen on the fashion is talking about Burqas - they are this years latest hottest hippest clothing trend for the youngsters. Hurrah for the Burqa! Burqas are the Moslem cloth that Arabic ladies wear when their husbands decree it. But now the teenager girl.....

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Please discuss at will.
PLEASE NOTE: The story you are discussing is a JOKE. It is a SPOOF NEWS story written on a SPOOF NEWS website.

Erskin Quint
Erskin Quint

Registered: 15 Oct 07

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Posted: 3 Apr 18 15:13 - Edited By: Erskin Quint, 3 Apr 18 15:16
Yes! Let's showcase this writer who represents all that is good.

However, when it comes to this:

Moslem ladies like to be very modest in their dressing, and the Burqa hides every part of the Moslem lady apart from her eyes. Some nasty people have said that they resemble a sinister person peering out of a pillar box but pillar boxes are red so that cant be true infidels!

I have to demur. How many sinister people have YOU seen peering out of a pillar box? It doesn't stand up to scrutiny does it now?

Lord Haw Haw
Traitor's Gate

Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape
Monkey Woods

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Posted: 4 Apr 18 00:50
I've seen one or two in Hull, but, on balance, you're probably right.

The one about Pamela Anderson is good though, especially when the hotel manager gets involved...

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