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Forum Home / General Discussion / My Pillow Guy Has Smart Phone Confiscated By FBI

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Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero

Location: Galapagos Islands
Registered: 22 Feb 10

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Posted: 14 Sep 22 16:10
This is highway robbery! I had just ordered a couple of pillows, a set of sheets made from the finest cotton grown in Egypt and a set of slippers with five component soles that can be worn anywhere, except a church or brothel.

WTF is going on? I am out over a hundred bucks and the FBI will not answer my calls.

Please advise.

Sir Geoffroy Cockface

Registered: 29 Aug 15

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Posted: 14 Sep 22 21:53
First they came for the babbling pillow merchants, and I said nothing.

Then they came for the orange billionaire mafia criminals, and still I said nothing.

Then they came for the conspiracy nuts who lied about Sandy Hook and sold ridiculous testosterone products to the gullible, and still I said nothing.

And someone asked, why do you say nothing? And I said there is nothing to complain about because those people who have been arrested were idiots and guilty as fuck.

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