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Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

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Posted: 5 Jan 22 05:33
Dear Spoof

I recently asked my doctor to give me something to make me last longer in bed and I have to say that the tablets he gave me have produced wonderful results.
I used to sleep until around 11.00 pm but now regularly manage to kip until gone 2.00.

Bob Kettleback


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Posted: 10 Jan 22 01:46
Having yourself encased in cement Mafia style would definitely make you last longer in bed (if I am understanding you correctly).
In fact you would probably last there until you started to smell bad enough.

Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero

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Posted: 11 Jan 22 00:54
Having your significant other crazy glue your package to the bed frame insures that you last longer in bed. Also, scotch-taping your hands to the sheets is an excellent preventive in case you can’t determine if you touched yourself inappropriately while you were sleeping.


Dr. B

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

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Posted: 11 Jan 22 03:46
Dear Spoof

Can I just say that it appears to me that Messrs Freed and B'gate are not affording this matter the seriousness that it so clearly warrants

Bob Fuck
Bromley By Bow


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Posted: 17 Jan 22 13:47
I just can't seem to please anybody these days.........


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Posted: 22 Jan 22 21:03
Cliven this is clearly a case of mistaken identity, your Doctor thought you were a mammal...

Quote: Clive Danton

Dear Spoof

I recently asked my doctor to give me something to make me last longer in bed and I have to say that the tablets he gave me have produced wonderful results.
I used to sleep until around 11.00 pm but now regularly manage to kip until gone 2.00.

Bob Kettleback

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 23 Jan 22 08:09
Dear Jino

You could be right.

I was mistaken for a door once by a cowboy.

He then went on to shoot my knob off.


Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 29 Jan 22 03:00
Dear Spoof

I've never got on well with my family.

As a child, my Uncle Dennis declared that his dying wish was to have me sitting on his knee.

He was in the electric chair

Larry Vulva
London E1


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Posted: 2 Feb 22 12:24

Quote: Danny Soz

Dear Spoof

I've never got on well with my family.

As a child, my Uncle Dennis declared that his dying wish was to have me sitting on his knee.

He was in the electric chair

Larry Vulva
London E1

That must have been rather shocking.......

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

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Posted: 2 Feb 22 15:03
It certainly gave me a jolt, I don't mind admitting. At one point, I didn't know WATT hit me!


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Posted: 14 Feb 22 12:05

Quote: Danny Soz

It certainly gave me a jolt, I don't mind admitting. At one point, I didn't know WATT hit me!

That one was so bad I could smell it from here.........

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

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Posted: 23 Mar 22 18:12
Dear Spoof

We never hear anything about Donald Trump in the UK these days.

Does anyone know if he's still a mentally-enfeebled weapons-grade fucknut?

Concerned of East London

PS. Right-wingers. Don't reply to this one by having a dig at Joe Biden or I will automatically assume you're a massive cockwomble like your former, twice-impeached POTUS.


Location: Lost in Ohio of all places.
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Posted: 25 Mar 22 11:37 - Edited By: rfreed, 25 Mar 22 11:38

Quote: Danny Soz

Dear Spoof

We never hear anything about Donald Trump in the UK these days.

Does anyone know if he's still a mentally-enfeebled weapons-grade fucknut?

Concerned of East London

PS. Right-wingers. Don't reply to this one by having a dig at Joe Biden or I will automatically assume you're a massive cockwomble like your former, twice-impeached POTUS.

Be thankful- we have to hear about him all the time.......

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

Location: London
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Posted: 26 Mar 22 02:44

Quote: rfreed

Quote: Danny Soz

Dear Spoof

We never hear anything about Donald Trump in the UK these days.

Does anyone know if he's still a mentally-enfeebled weapons-grade fucknut?

Concerned of East London

PS. Right-wingers. Don't reply to this one by having a dig at Joe Biden or I will automatically assume you're a massive cockwomble like your former, twice-impeached POTUS.

Be thankful- we have to hear about him all the time.......

Damn! I was hoping he'd died from an overdose of anti-covid bleach or something.

Is he still hell-bent on killing Mike Pence or is their relationship now running like a 'finely-tooned machine'?

I'm still staggered that the good people of Murica saw fit to put this ocean-going clown in the White House



Location: Lost in Ohio of all places.
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Posted: 31 Mar 22 23:54

Quote: Danny Soz

Quote: rfreed

Quote: Danny Soz

Dear Spoof

We never hear anything about Donald Trump in the UK these days.

Does anyone know if he's still a mentally-enfeebled weapons-grade fucknut?

Concerned of East London

PS. Right-wingers. Don't reply to this one by having a dig at Joe Biden or I will automatically assume you're a massive cockwomble like your former, twice-impeached POTUS.

Be thankful- we have to hear about him all the time.......

Damn! I was hoping he'd died from an overdose of anti-covid bleach or something.

Is he still hell-bent on killing Mike Pence or is their relationship now running like a 'finely-tooned machine'?

I'm still staggered that the good people of Murica saw fit to put this ocean-going clown in the White House



Location: Lost in Ohio of all places.
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Posted: 31 Mar 22 23:56
A lot of us were hoping he would croak too from the bleach too. Instead it just lightened his hair a bit.

Dr. Billingsgate
Academic zero, literary hero

Location: Galapagos Islands
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Posted: 1 Apr 22 01:16
Stop dissing the Donald. I just mortgaged my house so that I might donate to his re-election. He promised me an ambassadorship in any country that would take me.

How can I refuse?

Sir Geoffroy Cockface

Registered: 29 Aug 15

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Posted: 1 Apr 22 22:36
Last thing I heard he tried to launch his own version of Twitter but nobody signed up.

It was like a version of The Apprentice but Donald Trump was the fucking moron who couldn't make anything happen. Then again, that applies to his entire career.

Danny Soz
The Rt Hon.
Danny Soz

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Posted: 2 Apr 22 01:08

Quote: Sir Geoffroy Cockface

Last thing I heard he tried to launch his own version of Twitter but nobody signed up.

It was like a version of The Apprentice but Donald Trump was the fucking moron who couldn't make anything happen. Then again, that applies to his entire career.

The man turned America into a laughing stock. He was an embarrassment and anyone who voted for this industrial-strength idiot must have serious mental issues.

It's a proven fact that if he'd invested his old man's dough in a low-interest Post Office savings account he'd have made far more money than he did as a 'business man'.

In fact, he didn't make ANY money at all!

Fucking twat!


Location: Lost in Ohio of all places.
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Posted: 13 Apr 22 12:24 - Edited By: rfreed, 13 Apr 22 12:24
"Industrial strength idiot" !
I am going to have to steal that one and put a copyright on it!

Posted: 31 Aug 22 12:54 - Edited By: Mark, 1 Sep 22 09:31
Most cryptocurrency scams permit their clients to utilize progressed highlights through which scammers can rapidly and proficiently enter and exit scams as well as store their resources in an insecure crypto wallet owned by scammers.



Location: I am right here.
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Posted: 11 Sep 22 21:37

Quote: JackLimer

Most cryptocurrency scams permit their clients to utilize progressed highlights through which scammers can rapidly and proficiently enter and exit scams as well as store their resources in an insecure crypto wallet owned by scammers.


Mark thank you so much for editing this drivel.

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