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Monkey Woods
Dirty Ape
Monkey Woods

Location: Planet Earth
Registered: 29 Dec 06

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Posted: 27 Apr 19 14:01
Dave Henry

Registered: 14 Mar 18

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Posted: 27 Apr 19 18:45
Interesting. There’s still hope for us!

Little Red Hen

Location: Lancaster, England
Registered: 8 Apr 03

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Posted: 28 Apr 19 10:23
I feel like I had my most creativity between the age of 16 and 20 or so. And had bags of enthusiasm.

Then I spent 5 years slog on a PhD which I never finished. 5 years doing the same thing sapped away a lot of my creativity.

Now I'm mostly just a miserable git and time is whistling past my ears.

I'm not sure creativity is my problem though, it's more a question of keeping up the zeal to get things done.

The next wave can't come sooner!

Erskin Quint
Erskin Quint

Registered: 15 Oct 07

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Posted: 28 Apr 19 12:07 - Edited By: Erskin Quint, 28 Apr 19 12:22
The geezer in the photograph is rocking a very creative "I'm a dickhead with a hole in my jeans and a trendy beard" look.


Just sayin'.

I wonder if he and the other bearded wierdo in the photo are customers of "Nana Jones Darko" and his "mobile barbershop".

Creative bearding is certainly on-trend these days.

More from "Nana Jones Darko" (named after the nurse-dog in Peter Pan? Related to Donnie?):

He says that pressure also comes from "what you see on the TV and footballers who are 20 and earning £200k a week".
"I really do believe there's a big pressure to succeed in business by your mid-20s.
"It's your environment that literally pushes you to financially succeed - and have it all by 25.

Very creative. Just the kind of thing the likes of Rimbaud, Faulkner and our old friend Van Gogh would have said if they had been photod and quoted in an article like that.

Or Alfred Jarry, creator of "Pere Ubu", who lived his life backwards:

Jarry's life became increasingly difficult as his health failed, the magazines folded and he was pursued by creditors. While the avant garde journals existed, he was able to scrape a small living. He fished for most of his food. He had his bicycle for transport, his revolver for security and ultimately his own little house, built on land he bought beside the Seine. He lived for and by his art, caring very little for material things. Over the years he learned to discard most comforts except alcohol. He died in 1907, aged 32, inspiring a cycle of myth almost as rich as that surrounding his own monstrous Pa Ubu. Subsequent biographies were all informed by these myths, the most prevalent being that Ubu, the fiction, destroyed Jarry, the man, and that he "became" Ubu, incapable of distinguishing between himself and his horrible invention.

If only he had discovered the benefits of on-trend barbershopping. Just imagine what he could have achieved with his own mobile barbershop.

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